
Which Sport Removed from the 2028 Olympics?

In a surprising turn of events, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) has announced that breakdancing, also known as breaking, will not be included in the 2028 Los Angeles Olympics. This decision has left many wondering, “Which sport was removed from the 2028 Olympics?” The answer is breakdancing, a sport that was set to make its Olympic debut in Paris in 2024 but will not continue into the Los Angeles Games.

Breakdancing’s Short-Lived Olympic Journey

This unexpected removal has sparked discussions about the nature of Olympic sports and the decision-making process behind the Games’ program.

Reasons for Breakdancing’s Removal

The IOC cited several factors contributing to the decision to remove breaking from the 2028 Olympics:

  • Lack of global competitive structure: Concerns about standardized competition formats
  • Judging controversies: Difficulties in establishing objective scoring criteria
  • Limited athlete pool: Questions about the depth of talent in competitive breaking
  • Cultural appropriation debates: Ongoing discussions about the commercialization of street culture
  • Traditionalist pushback: Resistance from those who view breaking as not fitting the Olympic mold

Impact on the Breaking Community

The removal of breaking from the 2028 Olympics has significant implications:

  • Loss of Olympic platform: Breakers lose the opportunity to showcase their skills on a global stage
  • Funding challenges: Potential reduction in support for breaking programs and athletes
  • Cultural impact: Questions about the legitimacy of street dance as a competitive sport
  • Youth engagement: Concerns about losing a connection with younger audiences

Other Sports Facing Challenges for 2028

While breaking has been removed, other sports are also facing uncertainties for the 2028 Games:


  • Governance issues: The International Boxing Association (IBA) has been suspended by the IOC
  • Concerns about judging integrity and financial transparency
  • The IOC is considering alternative ways to include boxing in 2028


  • Ongoing doping concerns have led to reduced athlete quotas
  • The International Weightlifting Federation (IWF) is under scrutiny for governance issues
  • Weightlifting’s Olympic future depends on significant reforms within the sport

Modern Pentathlon

  • Controversy over the horse riding component has led to proposed changes
  • The International Modern Pentathlon Union (UIPM) is considering replacing riding with obstacle racing
  • The sport’s inclusion in 2028 is contingent on successfully implementing these changes

The IOC’s Decision-Making Process

The removal of breaking and the uncertain status of other sports highlight the complex process of Olympic program selection:

  • Global popularity and participation levels are key factors
  • Youth appeal and gender equality are increasingly important
  • Legacy and sustainability considerations play a role
  • Universality and accessibility of the sport are taken into account

The IOC’s decisions aim to balance tradition with innovation while maintaining the Games’ relevance and appeal.

Public Reaction and Media Coverage

The question of “Which sport was removed from the 2028 Olympics?” has generated significant discussion:

  • Social media debates about the merits of breaking as an Olympic sport
  • Disappointment expressed by the breaking community and supporters
  • Mixed reactions from traditional sports enthusiasts
  • Broader discussions about the evolution of the Olympic program

Lessons from Past Olympic Sport Removals

Breaking’s removal is not unprecedented. Other sports have faced similar fates:

  • Baseball and softball: Removed after 2008, returning in 2020
  • Wrestling: Briefly removed but quickly reinstated after global outcry
  • Tug of war: Removed after 1920, despite its long history

These examples show that Olympic inclusion is not permanent and can be subject to change.

The Future of Olympic Sports

The removal of breaking and the challenges faced by boxing, weightlifting, and modern pentathlon point to broader trends in Olympic programming:

  • Emphasis on sports with clear competitive structures and objective judging criteria
  • Focus on sports with strong global participation and viewership
  • Increased scrutiny of governance and integrity issues within international federations
  • Consideration of new sports that appeal to younger audiences and reflect current trends

Impact on Los Angeles 2028 Planning

The removal of breaking and potential changes to other sports affect the planning for the 2028 Games:

  • Venue adjustments: Changes in the sports program may require modifications to planned facilities
  • Schedule revisions: The organizing committee must adapt the competition schedule
  • Cultural programming: Los Angeles 2028 may need to find alternative ways to showcase urban culture

The Role of International Federations

The situation with breaking, boxing, weightlifting, and modern pentathlon highlights the crucial role of international federations:

  • Governance standards: Federations must meet IOC requirements for transparency and integrity
  • Sport development: Continuous efforts to grow and standardize their sports globally
  • Advocacy: Making the case for their sport’s inclusion in the Olympic program
  • Adaptation: Willingness to evolve and address IOC concerns

Economic Implications

The changes in the Olympic program have economic consequences:

  • Sponsorship opportunities may shift with the inclusion or exclusion of certain sports
  • Broadcasting rights and coverage plans may need adjustment
  • Equipment manufacturers and retailers may see changes in demand for sport-specific gear

Conclusion: The Evolving Face of the Olympics

The removal of breaking from the 2028 Olympics and the challenges faced by boxing, weightlifting, and modern pentathlon underscore the dynamic nature of the Olympic Games. As the IOC strives to maintain the relevance and appeal of the Olympics, we can expect ongoing changes to the sports program.

While the loss of breaking is disappointing for many, it serves as a reminder that Olympic inclusion is a complex and evolving process. The Games must balance tradition with innovation, global appeal with practical considerations, and athletic excellence with cultural relevance.

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Tim Smart
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